China sourcing agents can be your point of contact to help manage your international supply chains. A sourcing company is a great way to make your life much easier, regardless of whether you are new to China and need niche products in large quantities.
What is China Sourcing Agency?
Primarily, a sourcing company or agency searches for reliable partners and suppliers, and delivers products that meet the buyer’s requirements. These products can include high-quality, luxurious goods or products that have a low price. Quality must be reliable but it does not have to meet the highest standards.
The tasks of agents in China include everything from connecting foreign buyers with Chinese suppliers to purchasing products for the buyer’s company. Other services offered by Chinese agents include quality control, price negotiation and factory audits.
A China Sourcing Agent is a must-have for any business.
International companies can easily order bulk products online via AliExpress or Alibaba. The websites are available in English. Suppliers have been checked and verified and can often speak English enough to communicate product details and terms. Even the most popular Chinese platforms, such as 1688, are easy to understand and can be used with a translation extension. So why would you want to work with a partner sourcing?
These companies or agents are specialists in Chinese sourcing. They often have a strong network of reliable suppliers. This can be especially helpful if your goal is to create your own product, modify existing products with your branding details or order standardized goods wholesale, for individual selling or for company use.
They are also fluent in Chinese language and culture and can help you to communicate, improve negotiations, establish trust, and build a long-term business relationship.
You can also save time and money by connecting quickly and efficiently to the best suppliers for your particular needs.
These groups, in particular, can reap the benefits of working with Chinese sourcing companies.
Companies that are just starting to import products from China
Diverse product portfolios are a boon for businesses
Brands that specialize in niche products
Businesses that require extra-large quantities
Let’s examine these groups in more detail.
1. Companies that are just starting to import products from China
If your company does not have subsidiaries in the Middle Kingdom, it is nearly impossible to search for, audit, or build a relationship in China. Although you may be able to make several business trips, it is not feasible for your company to travel to China.
Additionally, it is nearly impossible to understand Chinese if your only language is Mandarin.
This is usually true for new Amazon Sellers or those new to international trade.
2. Brands with a varied product portfolio
It may not be so difficult to find a supplier if you only offer one product in different colours or other variations.
However, imagine if you have many product categories. You could try to find multiple suppliers that are experienced in your product category or you could try to find a supplier who can supply all your products, even if it is of lower quality.
Perhaps it is possible to find one Chinese supplier who can make all these products in China? You can have this problem answered by a China sourcing agent.
3. Small businesses that specialize in niche products
China can source niche products for companies looking to use or distribute them, such as chemicals or medical supplies.
But, it is not easy to be familiar with the laws and regulations of your country. Take advantage of the knowledge and experience of a specialized agency or company to simplify your life.
Large supermarkets and wholesale markets may need large quantities of one or more products. High-quality products will satisfy your customers while improving your supply chain.
A typical service of a Sourcing agent
Sourcing companies in China connect international businesses with Chinese suppliers. Their primary services include
For international companies, we search for and verify China’s product suppliers
Negotiating terms with suppliers, including contract preparation
Quality control, factory inspection, and audits
Supervise the fulfillment of the agreement and the logistics process
Next, let’s take a look at what advantages collaborating with Chinese sourcing agents has overall.
It is possible to source products from China on your own, or through your employees. But, it is worth working with a Middle Kingdom expert to add value.
Increase efficiency and save time
Get high-quality products for a low price
Avoid miscommunications due to differences in language and culture
For those who want to avoid fraudsters, on-site audits are performed and certificates verified.
Risk minimization
1. Increase efficiency and save time
Time is the most valuable resource in business. It is the best resource you have to create more value for your customers and increase your profits. Don’t lose it! It is true that a China sourcing agency does not work for free. However, their experience will save you time and money. Their extensive network of Chinese sourcing market partners is already in place, which can be of great benefit to you.
Because they are located on mainland China, they are able to visit potential factories or sourcing partner for your needs quickly and easily. It is their job to find you the best deal. This is usually in agents’ best interests as it is part of their commission.
2. Get high-quality products for a low price
Western companies are usually looking for low-cost, high-quality products at competitive prices. International companies have different requirements and sourcing agents are well-versed in these areas. They will be able to provide the required information and structure in order for you to sign a contract and receive a deliverable.
3. Avoid misunderstandings caused by cultural differences
Sourcing agencies speak Chinese so they can talk and negotiate directly with potential producers/factories without the need to use a translator. This prevents miscommunications which are common in China/Chinese, due to their very different languages and cultures.
More importantly, a Chinese source agent is well-versed in the business etiquette, including negotiation, of doing business with China. There are many pitfalls that you don’t expect. Also, sourcing agents are fluent in English and can give you product details and proposals in your native language.
4. For those who want to avoid fraudsters, on-site audits are performed and certificates verified.
Most Chinese suppliers are open-minded and willing to do business internationally with big brands and corporations. However, there are also black sheep as in any other industry.
It is essential to do business on every continent, but it is especially important if you are working with a partner or supplier from another country.
A local sourcing agent is able to visit the factory and perform on-site inspections, audits, and verify their documents. The sourcing specialist is also familiar with international logistics. They know what documents are required at seaports and airports, as well as how to prepare them so they can be accepted right away, including ISO certificates.
It’s a good idea to work with experienced suppliers with these types of certifications.
5. Risk minimization
It is possible to have your own experiences when purchasing personal items from abroad. When purchasing products from Asia, there is always something unknown. It is difficult to communicate with suppliers from faraway countries. There are also many chances of miscommunications. Some businessmen and women may try to scam others.
How do you protect yourself and make sure your partners are trustworthy, reliable, and honest? You can rely on an experienced agency that is registered often and has a bad reputation to help you with your due diligence.
We recommend that you verify the manufacturer of the product you are ordering is actually the one you selected and not to have it shipped out to a third party supplier. You should be informed and able to verify the credentials of any third-party suppliers if this happens.