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Learn New Ways To Connect In A relationship

Nothing can kill a relationship quicker than boredom.

It’s all too easy to fall into routines with your partner. Similar to studies, work, going to the gym or eating out, sex is vital to a good relationship, but it’s also a chance to become boring and monotonous. When that happens, you and your man will seek out other thrills.

Do not allow this to happen to your family or your

Although the Bad Girls Bible will teach you everything you need to know about how to keep things going however, these 14 sex tips will give you a great starting point to eliminate boredom from your relationship and sex lives. Here’s the list:

1. Learn New Sex Positions

This is the most simple, but also one of the most effective ways of keeping things interesting. This is the reason I came up with the Sex Positions section of the Bad Girls Bible. It includes pictures and thorough descriptions of more than 100 sexual positions.

If you’d like to offer your male partner back-arching, toe-curling screaming orgasms that keep him sexually hooked to you, then look for them in my private and discreet newsletter. Also, you’ll be taught the 5 unsafe and “dumb” sexual mistakes which turn him off as well as how to avoid them.

If you’ve never tried taking the lead in bed before you might be at times a bit nervous trying this. However, your partner will surely enjoy the experience. Trust me.

You’ll find it best to try out some of the positions that are easier to master that do not require a lot of flexibility and are easy to change to.

2. Explore his fantasies (And Yours!)

Everyone has sexual fantasies. Everyone!

The problem for a lot of people is that they think that their fantasies are weird or a bit ‘out there’. Some people are reluctant to reveal their fantasies due to anxiety or fear of embarrassment. their partner thinking they’re strange.

Your man may be thinking the same that you are!

There are certain fantasies or things to make you smile however you don’t are able to experience them in the real world.

3. Dominating, Exploring Your Sexuality

Most relationships have one partner who is slightly dominant in bed while another partner is more submissive.

Not in the D/S sense of the term. But in the sense that one partner is more prone to test new things, change position or engage the other in sex.

A great method to spice things up is to change your role when you next get in bed with your man.

So if he is usually the one that wants to change position You should attempt to beat him to the punch and shift positions instead. (make sure you are trying some new sex positions too!)
Maybe he’s the type who usually initiates sexual sex. What if you tried being the one to cause the most trouble?
You might also start playing foreplay. Try holding out until he does.

4. Pinch His Ass

This is possibly the most absurd sexually explicit tip you’ll ever receive from me. But it works really well.

The next time you’re taking a final goodbye to your lover while you lean in to kiss him, quickly grab his bum. You can grab it with your fingers either smack or grab it with your hand.

Be sure to make it quick But don’t make any comments about it.

Don’t answer the reason if someone asks you why you took the action.

Just smile at him.

For men It can be a bit confusing, but it’s also an indication that you love him. It also indicates that you could be very naughty.

Caveat: Don’t use this every single day or every week. It’s best to use it once a month in order to keep things exciting and flirty.

5. Take advantage of Sex Toys

Sex toys such as a vibrator are great. They are especially great if you want to make things more exciting. There’s a sex toy to suit every need. For him, for her. For his penis, for your penis, for your.

Foreplay with sex toys is a great way of making the other person hot and annoyed before sex. They can also be great instead of sex and during sexual activity as well.

However, as I have advised using all the information you read here: if you solely rely on sex toys things will inevitably start to become boring and routine.
One way to look at sexually explicit toys is to view them as a spice rather than the main meal.

Over the coming weeks, I’ll be adding a section on which sex toys work the best and on how to use them.

6. Take a shower with Him!

This simple sex technique is similar to pinching his sexual organs. The technique should be used in moderation if you want it to remain effective.

When your husband is taking a shower, make sure you follow him about a minute after. Then, you’ll have a choice of what to do:

It’s all you have to do except wash him. It surprisingly sensual!
It is possible to give him a blowjob. Put a towel on your knees if you do this, because your knees could become painful.
There is a possibility of having sexual relations. However, shampoo and water can dry out your natural lubrication

7. Build Anticipation

A reason why sexual encounters can be boring and dull is because there’s no anticipation tension, anticipation or tension before having sex with your man. It’s nothing more than a routine (for the majority of couples, it’s the same every morning or in the evening).

To break out of this boring routine, try creating anticipation towards something he’s expecting. If you’re away with friends, make sure to text your guy and let him know how much you’ve missed him (and how sexually sexy you are).

Inform him of what you plan to discuss with him once you return. In detail…

This doesn’t have to be limited to when you’re away in vacation. You can try it right after you have left for school or work.

Note: As with other sexual tips, you should try to only use it sparingly otherwise it could become boring fairly quickly.

8. Dressing Him Up for His Birthday

Dressing up for your man is a straightforward’sex’ tip. In a way it’s related to the previous sex-related tip, “Building Anticipation’.

When I talk about “Dressing up for him”, I don’t neccessarily refer to dressing in costumes or wearing super slutty clothes.

In other words, I am talking about wearing something that is provocative. Something that will make him take notice. Something that reminds him of why he likes you so much.

It could be a dress that’s a little shorter than the norm, a top made to be a little low, or any other item which highlights your strengths.

9. Watch Porn Together

Let me know! I completely understand if you are averse to porn and would like to steer clear of this method completely.

There is a stereotype than men love porn and women hate it. This is not quite true.

I think that this is a better way of describing the stereotype:

The majority of women dislike ‘conventional’ pornography.

What’s normal pornography? Pornography which is degrading for women, where men treat the women like dirt and leave a lot of humour on their faces.

If you do a search for it, you’ll see female-oriented pornography that’s far from this.

If you’re not convinced about the concept of having a sexual encounter with your male Don’t feel like you have to.

10. Ask For Directions

Requesting directions when you need to get sexually satisfied with your partner, no matter if you’re offering him a blowjob, a handjob, or having a sex session is a smart move if you want to improve fast.

However, don’t directly ask him questions.

Don’t say:
Is that ok?
I’m not quite sure what I’m doing however I hope you enjoy it.

A better way to ‘ask the person for directions’ could be to either give the individual a choice, or make a statement that suggests.

Are you a handjob guy or a blowjob?

I’m sure you’re the kind of person who likes his balls played by…
You seem like the kind of person who is on top & in control…
I’m sure you’re a fan of doggystyle sex…

A few people find this to be very easy, whereas others find it trickier. If you ask the directions’, you’ll discover what your man enjoys the most. And he will be much more likely to do the same!

11. Talk Dirty

Disguising your partner’s dirty talk can be very powerful. That’s why there is an entire section in the Bad Girls Bible devoted to discussing dirty topics and the powerful dirty-talking tutorial video I made to help you get on the right track, quickly. Watch it here.

Instead of repeating everything that has been said in the talking dirty section, you should really just check it out for yourself.

For those who don’t know about the importance of getting dirty, lots of women are fond of it since it can keep your man constantly turned towards you and thinking of you even when you’re not in the vicinity.